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Avel 342089
Flambo Hairspray 50ml bright red.
Part no. 342089
Pour particuliers, professionnels, administrations, collectivités, Mairies, CHU, etc...Fast-drying lacquer paint. High covering power on all substrates. Provides a very hard, washable, brushable and weather-resistant lacquer surface.
Glossy appearance.
Interior and exterior.
The different colors can be mixed.
Aucun avis pour le moment.
Flambo lacquer 50ml royal blue.
7,78 €Flambo lacquer 50ml royal blue.Part no. 342220
Rich gold tolemail gilding 50ml.
13,14 €Rich gold tolemail gilding 50ml.Part no. 530220
Flambo lacquer 50ml wood tone.
7,78 €Flambo lacquer 50ml wood tone.Part no. 342170